Archive for April 15th, 2009

Rupture of the gastrocnemius or soleus muscle, Part 2

So I did it again. I tore my calf muscle playing squash. Actually, this time it was the other one (right side). I always thought that when I tore my left calf and it healed, it felt stronger than the right. Maybe that explains what happened today. It was exactly the same as 2 years ago. I was looking forward, getting ready to return the ball, when it felt like someone had hit the back of my calf with a squash ball. Only  the ball was in front of my. My initial reaction was that someone entered the court behind me and threw a ball at my leg. A few seconds later I knew exactly what happened and I was done. This time at least I knew what to do. I hobbled out and drove Phil home, then myself, had Ginny find my old elastic “tube” to put on, iced my leg, and called Roslyn Physiotherapy. I have an appointment for Friday, and then probably 6 weeks off from squash. I tried walking around but it was too painful so I got some crutches. It seems I was only on them for about a week last time, so hopefully that’ll be true this time as well. I really love squash and I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come. I’m getting old and my body is breaking down. I hope I can get back to golf, too. If I can’t do that then what else is left? Bowls?

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