Rupture of the gastrocnemius or soleus muscle, Part 2

So I did it again. I tore my calf muscle playing squash. Actually, this time it was the other one (right side). I always thought that when I tore my left calf and it healed, it felt stronger than the right. Maybe that explains what happened today. It was exactly the same as 2 years ago. I was looking forward, getting ready to return the ball, when it felt like someone had hit the back of my calf with a squash ball. Only  the ball was in front of my. My initial reaction was that someone entered the court behind me and threw a ball at my leg. A few seconds later I knew exactly what happened and I was done. This time at least I knew what to do. I hobbled out and drove Phil home, then myself, had Ginny find my old elastic “tube” to put on, iced my leg, and called Roslyn Physiotherapy. I have an appointment for Friday, and then probably 6 weeks off from squash. I tried walking around but it was too painful so I got some crutches. It seems I was only on them for about a week last time, so hopefully that’ll be true this time as well. I really love squash and I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come. I’m getting old and my body is breaking down. I hope I can get back to golf, too. If I can’t do that then what else is left? Bowls?

10 Responses to “Rupture of the gastrocnemius or soleus muscle, Part 2”

  1. 1 Keven 16 April, 2009 at 3:07 pm

    Ouch! Sorry to hear about that! I guess you’ll have to be a tiddly-winks player or some other low-impact sport…

  2. 2 びっくり 17 April, 2009 at 5:12 am

    Cuddling is probably a safe alternative.

    Would more stretching or yoga be preventative in these cases? Anyhow, get well soon.

  3. 3 Gary Niemi 17 April, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    Who knows? Top athletes get this, and ordinary people walking down the street. Ironically, I actually did a bit more stretching than normal on that day. I’m recovering very fast this time, probably due to a less severe tear, and I know what to do to help heal it. I’m off crutches after 2 days this time, compared to a week 2 years ago. It really feels pretty good.

  4. 6 manish 23 December, 2009 at 1:09 am

    my soleus muscle is partially rupture please advice me should i go for surgery or not

  5. 7 gymdancer 17 January, 2010 at 8:53 am

    I was vaulting when I sustained a Grade II 3 inch tear to the soleus calf muscle + a fractured fibula. Dr. says cracks to fibula are common with soleus tears & should not be overlooked. Didn’t need a cast – just a brace for 4 weeks, cruthes for 2 weeks. P.T. 3x per week for 5 weeks. Consensus is that it takes 6 weeks to heal and a few months to regain pre-injury strength as long as I stay focused on rehab. Ordered some calf warmers. Hope they help. Anyone else using calf warmers?

  6. 8 jay 18 February, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    I hit the back of my lower right soleus with my left foot doing a fancy move in B ball. it felt like a steel pipe hit the back of my leg. ITs better but my ankle is swollen, soleus is stiff a bit no power to stand on my tippy toe from my injured leg. just wondering if its worse then I thought.


  7. 9 stan 12 May, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    Hi, I can certainly relate to your pain as I am in week two of a grade 3 calf tear. All I can say right now is ouch! About a week ago I was playing tennis, doing nothing out of the ordinary, and all the sudden “snap.” At first I thought someone had hit a ball over onto my court and hit me in the leg but when I turned around and saw no ball or anyone, I thought uh oh. Not only am I now unable to walk I am also suffering from severe swelling throughout my lower leg, ankle and foot. In fact I was nearly subjected to an emergency surgery yesterday when my doctor thought I may be coming down with compartment syndrome. Luckily the surgeon felt like we could wait a few more days before having to operate. I mention all of this so others who come across this thread understand that calf tears can be serious and if you experience anything like any of us have experienced, see your doctor! Good luck to all.

  1. 1 Torn Calf Muscle Treatment and Recovery « Kia Ora Sisu Trackback on 28 May, 2009 at 4:10 pm
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